
There are 2 traits at ballpythons genetics, the recessive and the (co)-dominant trait.


In the recessive trait the characteristics do not occur until the F². If you breed a recessive animal to a wildtype (normal),
there will only hatch normal babies, but they carry the gene for the recessive morph, but you can‘t see that. And if you breed two different recessive morphs together you will also get just normals but those will carry the genes for both parents. This animals with the „hidden“ genes are called heterozygots (hets.).
If you can see the characteristics they are called homozygotes (hom.).
To breed recessive morphs in the first genereation there are the following possibilities:
hom. x hom. = 100% hom.
hom. x het. = 50% hom & 50% het.
het. x het. = 25% hom ; 25% normal & 50% het.

If you breed het. to het. there are hatching 75% normal animals but 2/3 of them carry the genes for the morph. So the normales and the hets. look the same and nobody can tell who is who. Therefore those ones are called 66% possible heterozygot (66% poss. het.).

Here are some examples of recessive morphs:
Albino, Piebald, Clown, Axanthic, Genetic Striped, Tri Stripe, Ghost….

To make it more clear here are some samples with morphs:
Albino x Albino = 100% Albino
Albino x het. Albino = 50% Albino & 50% het. Albino
het. Albino x het. Albino = 25% Albino ; 75% normals 66% poss. het. Albino
Albino x Classic = 100% Normal het. Albino
het. Albino x Normal = 100% Normal 50% poss. het. Albino
Albino x Piebald = 100% Normal het. Albino-Piebald


Here you need the difference between co-dominant and dominant traits.
Both are already hatching in the first generation and here do not exist any hets.
The co-domniant morphs have a superform, which is the result of breeding two animals of the same morph together.
From such a breeding you will get 25% of the superform, 25% normals and 50% of the regular morph.
You should not breed 2 same dominant animals together like Spider x Spider.

Here are some examples of (co)-dominant morphs:
Spider, Pinstripe, Champagne, Mojave, Lesser, Phantom, Pastel, Fire, Vanilla, Yellow Belly…
If you breed a recessive to a (co)-dominant morph, you will get 50% of the morph and 50% normals, they are all 100% het. for the recessive morph.

Albino x Spider = 50% Spider 100% het. Albino & 50% Classic 100% het. Albino
In the next generation you are able to produce a combo, in this case the Albino-Spider.
Albino x Spider het. Albino = 25% Albino ; 25% Albino-Spider ; 25% Spider het. Albino & 25% Normal het. Albino

Combos from (co)-dominant morphs are also already possible in the first generation. The result from such a breeding are
25% of morph 1, 25% of morph 2, 25% normals and 25% of the combo

Lesser x Spider = 25% Lesser ; 25% Spider ; 25% Normals & 25% Lesserbee
Fire x Pastel = 25% Fire ; 25% Pastel ; 25% Normals & 25% Firefly

There are also Ballpythons with 3 or more genes, for example Spinner-Blast (Spider-Pinstripe-Pastel), Queenbee (Lesser-
Pastel-Spider) and many more…

Now I said enough, I hope this site was usefull for you!

For more information and caclulations also with pictures check –> Genetic wizard

About Species

The Ballpython (Python regius)

origin: west- to zentral africa

size: the most animals are grown at a size of 120 to 150cm

feeding: the most animals accept mice, rats and other rodents
Additional I need to say that the most animals won‘t accept frozen food if they don‘t know it from the beginning!
It‘s absoutely normal that a ball python will refuse food for some month, especially at a size close to the fertility about 1kg.
Don‘t worry, this is the normal behaviour of ballpythons and you don‘t need to do anything except when they loss a lot of weight.

fertility: with good feeding females are ready to breed with 2 years, males often at an age of one year

keeping: You should keep them alone or as a couple. But the males are ealier fertile, so you should take care that they are seperated if the female is not ready yet to avoid stress for the female.

As bedding you can use Repti Bark, or any bedding for rodents.
The temperature at the day should be between 29° und 32°C, under the spot they can be up to 40°C.

breeding: The breeding time starts in autumn.
for a successful breeding the right age, weight and condition of the animals, especially the females are the most important things. Females should a least weigh 1400g and eat strong that they have a good base to build eggs. The males are already ready with 600g, some even earlier.
To get the animals in breeding mode, you can cool them down a little bit in the night and increase air humidity. This imitates the change of seasons in nature and means breedingtime. The egg and sperm cells are also growing by this. Now it‘s normal when some animals refuse food, now they benefit from the strong eating they did before.
About 3 weeks after the reduction of temperature you can start the first try to get them breeding. So you put the male to the female. This can take some time. I put them together in the evening and have a first look at the next morning. Some are breeding then, others need more time. If they breed wait after they‘re finished and seperate them. if they dind‘t try again after some days. But don‘t forget the offer food within these cycles!
If the female stops eating that could mean she will lay eggs. If that‘s the case you might see an ovulation, thats when the growing, still unfertilized eggs migrate into the uterus. Thats a big swelling in the posterior third for about 24 hours (looks like they ate a big rat).

Now you can stop breeding and keep them at normal temperatures.
The next shed of the female is important. Because about 30 days after that she will lay her eggs. Depending on age, size and condition that will be 4 to 10 eggs normally.
Remove the eggs from the snake (don‘t rotate!) and transfer them to an incubator at constat 31,5°C for 55-60 days. Use vermiculite as bedding for the eggs.